Launchworks & Co provide strategy and innovation advisory services to high-growth companies of any size. We have specialist expertise in network industries, disruptive digital businesses and platform business models.

Our beliefs

Companies with disruptive business models are achieving market-leader positions at an unprecedented speed. Nine of the top ten companies in the world are now platform-powered businesses. Firms like Apple, now a trillion dollar company, have successfully combined their traditional value chains with platform ecosystems of developers, apps, content and complementary products and services. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Alibaba, and others use the same platform business models to harness the power of communities at scale.

The strategic principles that guided companies a decade ago are now showing their limits as new organisational forms emerge. Competition is being redefined, pricing follows completely different rules, marketing is hyper-targeted and data-driven. These new rules challenge the very basis of competition for established businesses and new entrants, as well as regulators and governments. A new approach is required to understand and navigate today's competitive landscape.

The exponential availability of customer data is now providing powerful competitive insights. But while some data driven companies thrive on this “big data” phenomenon, others seem incapable to develop and act on these information feedback loops. The competitive gap between “data centric firms” able to identify, capture, store, analyse and act on relevant data and their less nimble competitors is increasing fast.

Closed value chains are no longer the engine of growth of our economies. Complex platform-powered ecosystems able to internalise the needs and wants of their communities are now at the heart of most successful organisations. The design of these ecosystems, their interfaces with other business models and their underlying governance principles are key elements for succeeding in the new platform economy.

Are you a traditional company keen to harness the power of technology, networks and communities as part of your digital transformation? Are you a platform business scaling fast? Are you considering the deployment or acquisition of a new innovative business model? We believe we can help you succeed in the new platform economy.

Why Launchworks & Co

We have specialist expertise in digital businesses

We have both advised and worked for the boards and senior management teams of large international firms, as well as regulators and governments of many countries. We have taught at leading business schools and held senior management positions, both in high-growth startups and established companies. This experience has given us invaluable insights into technology, e-commerce, network industries, as well as the supporting ecosystems and digital platforms.

We are platform people

We have both advised and worked for leading global platforms. This has allowed us to develop tools and frameworks that can be directly applied to many innovative high-growth firms to help them succeed in the digital economy. We assemble uniquely qualified teams of experts who work closely with our clients to address complex real-life business issues.

Our Founders

Benoit Reillier

Founder and Managing Director

Benoit Reillier is the Managing Director of Launchworks & Co. He specialises in strategy, training, and innovative business models and ecosystems, including multisided platforms. Benoit has been advising the boards and senior management teams of blue chip companies, regulators and governments for more than 20 years.

More about Benoit >

Laure Claire Reillier

Founder and Director

Laure Claire Reillier is Launchworks & Co's COO. Formerly a senior executive at eBay Europe, she has 20 years experience in developing, managing and marketing products and services for digital, e-commerce, and platform companies. Laure Claire also worked for several tech start-ups as well as IBM, British Telecom and Inmarsat.

More about Laure >

Selected Launchworks & Co experts

Justin Coutts
Justin Coutts

Platform Value Architect

Justin Coutts specialises in pricing, economics and value proposition development. He trained as an economist and previously worked at American Express on strategic pricing and new product development.

More about Justin >

Jérémie Charlet
Jérémie Charlet

AI and Data expert

Jérémie Charlet is a data scientist and machine learning expert, with previous AI experience in the insurance and government sectors. He previously co-founded an IoT platform.

More about Jérémie >

Petra Jung
Petra Jung

Innovation Architect

Petra specialises in the development of offerings for ecosystems and platforms. She has unique experience in the design and scaling of platform-based value propositions at Visa, PayPal and eBay.

More about Petra >

Richard Cadman
Richard Cadman

Platform Regulation Expert

Dr. Richard Cadman is a senior strategy, policy, and market consultant specialising in network and platform markets and has a special expertise in electronic communications.

More about Richard >

Francois Coumau
Francois Coumau

Branding & Scaling Expert

Francois Coumau loves brands. Trained as a brand marketer with L'Oréal and Mars, he held senior international roles at eBay and more recently with Immediate Media, the UK's leading magazine publisher.

More about Francois >

Laura McCracken
Laura McCracken

Senior FinTech expert

Laura McCracken was previously Managing Director at Accenture, and held senior positions at a number of leading platforms including Amazon, Meta/Facebook and American Express.

More about Laura >

If you have the right skills, a passion for innovation, and would like to explore opportunities at Launchworks, please get in touch.



Winning strategies for the digital age.

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